By Classic Phones

Samsung smart tag

Regular price $30
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Regular price $30
Regular price Sale price $30

Galaxy SmartTag

  • Link it to your valuables, locate them, and find them easily.

    3 horizontally arranged icons, each representing Nearby Find, Galaxy Find and IoT touch control respectively.

    1. Put on the label

    Want to monitor something to see where it is if it goes missing? Attach your Galaxy SmartTag to your valuables that you value in your life.

    شخص يلحق جهاز Galaxy SmartTag بالأشرطة داخل حقيبة، ما يشير إلى أنه يمكن إلحاق SmartTag بالأغراض المهمة
    • * All the following accessories, strap, double-sided tape and name stickers, are sold separately and do not come with the device.

    Find the important things in your life

    Bluetooth-enabled SmartTags* can easily be linked to your keys, bags, and even your pet. If you think the missing item is nearby, but can't pinpoint its exact location, tap the ring button on your mobile phone and track the familiar ringtone at the volume you specify.

    تظهر على الأريكة سماعات Galaxy Buds في الزاوية، مربوطاً بها جهاز SmartTag. تشير الأيقونة الافتراضية إلى أن جهاز التعقب يساعد المستخدمين في العثور على الأغراض.

    * Galaxy SmartTag devices feature a Bluetooth connection range of up to 120 meters with no barriers. Actual performance may vary depending on the environment using the devices.

    Locate your belongings from a distance

    If your belongings connected to the device via the label are out of your reach, no problem! Galaxy Find* will use the scanned data to find it privately, even if it's not currently connected. It's also easy to scroll and search the label's location history to keep track of it. You can also use other devices you own to locate your belongings.

    تم العثور على سلسلة المفاتيح على العشب الأخضر باستخدام SmartTag؛ وإلى اليمين يوجد التطبيق الذي يعرض الموقع الذي عُثر عليه بدقة.

    * This feature is only available with Galaxy devices.

    One click is enough to enjoy a smart home

    With SmartTag devices, your smart home is even more comfortable, as SmartTag devices control various IoT devices with a single click of a button, so you can turn on the lighting in your home before you even enter it.

    من خلال وضع جهاز SmartTag في حقيبة ظهر المستخدم، يمكن التحقق من الموقع وتشغيل الأضواء في المنزل عند الوصول

    * Requires registration of IoT devices in the SmartThings app for the feature to work.
    ** Button usage does not work on SmartTag devices without connecting to the user's mobile device.
    IoT devices products sold separately.
    Compatible devices in the SmartThings app can be found on the SmartThings app website:

    Dual possibilities in a premium package

    When you discover the benefits of SmartTags, you will find that many things in your home are worth using stickers to make them easier to find, so they are sold individually or in a premium package consisting of two devices to get the tremendous benefits and enjoy the comfort they deserve.

    عرض جهاز SmartTag باللون الأسود، وجهازين SmartTag في حزمة واحدة وبشكل مائل: أحدهما باللون الأسمر والآخر باللون الأسود.عرض جهاز SmartTag باللون الأسود، وجهازين SmartTag في حزمة واحدة وبشكل مائل: أحدهما باللون الأسمر والآخر باللون الأسود.




    • BluetoothBLE 5.0
    • distanceMaximum 120 m


    • genreReplaceable CR2032 only one
    • Battery lifeMaximum 300 days

    Physical Specifications

    • Dimensions (W x H x D, mm)39.1 x 39.1 x 10.4
    • Body weight (g)13 g


    • Oatmeal


    • Compatible modelsGalaxy devices (smartphones, tablets) running Android 8 (OS O) or higher

    general features

    • Speakerbell
    • Buttons1
    • Package ContentsSmartTag, battery (supplied), Quick Start Guide